Newsletter - September 2022

From Pastor’s Desk:  

 This year I have been going through the church year and discussing the seasons and festivals. In the  Summer time and into late fall we are still in the season of Pentecost. On September 29th there is a Feast  Lutherans usually don’t celebrate, but it has been popular since the Sixth Century. It is called the Feast of St.  Michael and All Angels. In the book of Revelation 12, Michael is the one who engages with Battle with  Satan and throws him out of heaven. This is one of the reasons there is a lot of folklore and Legends about  St. Michael. Some believed his primary job was to guide the souls of the blessed to heaven, once they had  finished their earthly pilgrimage.  

 The Feast really marks the anniversary of a Roman Church. The Lutheran reformers later added the  words “And All Angels” to include four other holy days honoring the angels. They were following the same  pattern that the Orthodox church had followed. In the sixth century Michael had five distinct orders of  worship, an Honor that was shared only by Christmas and Easter. Orders of worship are the outline of what  we follow on Sunday. Divine Service Setting Three in the Lutheran Service book is an order of worship. I  think this shows how popular the Feast of Michael was at the time.  

In Germanic Countries the festival fell at the same time as the quarterly meeting of the Thing, which was the name for Parliament. This means the markets, fairs, dancing, feasting, and courts brought in country folk for miles around. So even though the Feast has fallen out of popularity today, it easy to see it was an Important Feast in the Church Year.

Why do we need catechisms? 

While visiting local churches,  Martin Luther found many  pastors and their church  members were unaware of the  true teachings of the Bible.  Because of this, the people  were living immoral lives.  Martin Luther wrote the catechisms to instruct  people in the basics of the Christian faith, that  they might know Christ and His forgiveness and  live accordingly. We still use Luther’s Large and  Small Catechism so that we never forget those  things that are necessary for faith in Christ.  From LCMS Worship.  

LWML Fall Retreat - Defiance/Napoleon  

When: Saturday - September 17th 

Where: St. John Lutheran, Stryker (St Rt. 6 & 66)  Topic: “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" 

Schedule: 8:30 am Sign in  

 9 am -1 pm Program with Brunch at 11 am  Cost: $15.00 includes brunch 

Ingathering: Filling Homes  

Needs list: Hot chocolate mix, Jello, ketchup, mustard,  macaroni, mixes (cake, pancake, muffin), noodles,  oatmeal, rice, shortening, snack-pack pudding, soups  (all types), spaghetti. Complete list posted on bulletin  board.  

Offering: Bring your mites & Christian books  (New/Used) can be hard cover, paperbacks, children’s  books, or CDs.  

Registration forms on the bulletin board.  

Due September 2nd.

Greetings From Preschool!

I Scream, You Scream, we all Scream for Ice Cream at St. Peter Preschool!! Our Fall Open House was a  huge success and the families came to visit the classroom, meet the teachers, and finished off their visit with  an Ice Cream Social! We are excited for our 1st day of Preschool on August 29 and we will be having 2  classes again this year with 4 & 5 year olds on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and our new 3 year old  class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have a total of 15 students enrolled for the upcoming 2022-23 school  year with an additional 2 children anticipated to start when they turn 3 in the Fall or Winter. We also want to  thank the Trustees who have volunteered and worked hard to improve our playground for the upcoming  school year. It looks great so make sure you take a look when you are able to and please thank our Trustees  for such an amazing job they did. We look forward to our upcoming school year and have some exciting  plans anticipated and appreciate the wonderful support of the St. Peter Lutheran Congregation! Please  continue to pray for our teachers and students as they return to school this year!  

Mrs. Arce