Newsletter - January

Pastor’s Desk January 2019


It’s a New Year. It’s a time to celebrate. It’s also a time where people have New Year’s Resolutions. Here is one possible Resolution you could have, Pray more. I find people don’t often know how to pray or what to pray for. For this year I am going to have a small lesson on Prayer each month. I thought I would begin with a prayer for the coming year:

Let us pray for the whole Church of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs.

In peace, let us pray to the Lord: For the freedom of Gospel preaching, that the Good News of forgiveness and salvation in Christ would bring healing and hope to the nations.

For the students at our seminaries, that they would receive the Word planted in them, grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and be eager and willing witnesses to the saving power of Jesus Christ,

For the coming year, that our God would fill it with blessings of body and soul, that we would recognize each as coming from His hands rather than chance or our own efforts, and that we would render all praise and thanks to God, let us pray to the Lord:

These petitions, and every other matter upon our hearts, we bring to You, O Lord. Hear our prayers and answer as You think best. Blessed be Your name, Father! Amen.

 [Taken from Prayer of the Church New Year’s Eve LCMS].




How blessed we are to have this organization as an auxiliary of the Lutheran Church/Missouri Synod.  The LUTHERAN HOUR radio broadcast started in 1930 with Dr. Walter A. Maier as its first speaker and to date there have been eight successive speakers.  Even though the methods and mediums have changed, the same Word of God and His saving message have been delivered through tremendous opportunities and God’s blessings to proclaim His love to our world.



1940 - Lutheran Hour begins foreign broadcasts;

1950 - Dr. Maier, first Lutheran Hour speaker, passes away;

1951 - First Lutheran Hour float appears in Rose Bowl Parade and continues to this day;

1952 - “This is the Life” TV show premieres;

1963 - Lutheran Hour broadcasts commenced in Brazil;

1978 - First Spanish radio broadcasts;

1992 - First message recorded in former Communist USSR and in Slovakia in 1993;

1992 - Lutheran Laymen’s League begins involvement with Orphan Grain Train.


St.Peter congregation will observe LUTHERAN HOUR SUNDAY on February 3, 2019 giving us a special opportunity to support the work of the Lutheran Hour by using gift envelopes provided in our bulletins.  We can also support the local Lutheran Hour broadcasts on WNDH radio 103.1 (Napoleon) on Sunday mornings at 9 AM.  There are envelopes on the church narthex bulletin board for use in giving $67.50 for one broadcast  as a memorial or honor gift.”


Greetings from Preschool!



I hope everyone has a blessed holiday spent with family and friends.  We had a wonderful December in Preschool.  Thanks to everyone who helped donate and/or purchased cookies for our Annual Cookie Walk. We raised $875 for our preschool!   Much appreciated! 

We also held our 2nd Storytime & Craft - with 20 kiddos in attendance!   We hope to have 2 more before the end of the school year.  

The Preschool students performed the bells in church on 12/16!  Such an amazing morning!   We loved being with you all - your support for our Preschool is simply amazing - we hope you enjoyed the performance and celebrating St Peter Preschool’s 30th Anniversary!  

We’re currently on Christmas break - we’ll be back in class on Monday, January 7th - with a new floor!  Thank you so much for that!  We can’t wait to see it!

January in Preschool will be Pajama and movie day, visit from the library, continuing with assessments and hopefully seeing some snow!!

Thanks for everything you do for our preschool!

In God’s Blessings - Mrs Rees